Numeracy Counts!

numeracy counts 1I love this resource from the Young Academy of Scotland:

Click to access Numeracy_Counts_Resource.pdf

This document was produced by the Young Academy of Scotland’s Excellence in Education working group, as part of its remit to develop teaching resources to promote interdisciplinary learning opportunities across the curriculum. This focuses on showing how important numeracy is in our everyday lives and work, by drawing on the experiences of YAS members across a wide range of discplines.

There are a range of jobs to inspire children, such as a composer, astrophysicist, microbiologist and developing robotics! All are linked to relevant Experiences and Outcomes from Curriculum for Excellence, and videos show how each person uses numeracy throughout their daily lives.

numeracy counts 2

Please comment and let us know if this resource is a source of inspiration in your setting, or of other great ways you have found to show children and young people how much numeracy counts in our lives!

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2 Responses to Numeracy Counts!

  1. Miriam MacDonald says:

    Thanks Kirsten. Just at the weekend I was thinking about getting parents in to discuss numeracy in their workplace and this has made my mind up. Keep up the good work!


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